President letter

Dear all,

The first half of the 2024 has been eventfull: education with like-talks, expert e-symposia and of course our annual meeting, EuDEC 2024.

We were delighted to welcome over 600 members of our community in Madrid to meet, exchange and learn the most up-to-date information about dry eye. We invite you to peek at the congress highlights here.  And of course, you can discover and/or rewatch all the scientific content of the congress through the replay.

But the 2nd half of the year will also hold its share of educational momentums. Several like-talks, scientific resources will be offered to the EuDES members to meet yours interests in the wide area of dry eye.

So, stay tune for more information about EuDES.

Eric Maury, Président de la SRLF

Pr Christophe Baudouin
President of the European Dry Eye Society